Spring Equinox Detox Retreat
Service Description
Spring is a natural time to cleanse, to help lighten the body and mind after the dark winter months. It is very beneficial to do this as we go through the equinox moving from winter to spring time. Doing a cleanse at this time will help you to lose any extra weight, lift your energy levels and bring back a natural sense of clarity and inspiration. It will also give your immune system a boost, rekindle your digestive fire and help prevent any allergies such as hay fever that we often feel coming on at this time. It is recommended to do a cleanse once or twice a year for optimum health. The week will consist of daily meditation and yoga sessions, a light, cleansing vegan diet avoiding any challenging foods such as sugar, gluten and caffeine and with some herbs to support the cleansing process, one fasting day on vegetable juices and broth in the middle of the cleanse (optional), gentle walks in the countryside, workshops on finding the right diet for you and staying well and plenty of time for rest and relaxation in the peaceful surroundings. The retreat will be led by Emma who is an experienced yoga and meditation teacher and ayurvedic diet and lifestyle consultant.